Monday, August 30, 2004

Rough 24 hours

Since last night, I've:

*Poked myself in the eye with a screwdriver
*Had a permanent Sharpie explode all over myself at work, making a mess and giving me a headache
*Got slammed hard by the closing subway doors
*Pinched my finger badly with my keychain
*Ordered a cleaning lady to come tomorrow...Forgetting I have no cash to leave her cause I lost my ATM card.

Not to mention I was at work till 7, yet I still barely dented the work I need to do...How does this happen? And how does the city just DIE when the Repugs come to town...It's like they drive away all the culture and life in this place...It's midnight after the first day of classes at NYU, and the Central Village streets are DEAD...The only sound I hear outside is the distant rumble of a helicopter propeller...I mean where the fuck am I? Is this a dream?

I think I'm gonna drag myself to the Wrens tomorrow night at Bowery just so I don't have to sit here again getting depressed about the state of the city. I like The Wrens...and I've never seen them before. It'll be good I think.


At 11:00 AM, Blogger Jeff Baum said...

Oh, no...The Wrens had been rumored to play a surprise Mercury Lounge set with Maplewood and Nada Surf next Wednesday...but it looks as if they're still trying to keep it a big secret...It's listed as a show “plus special guests” on all the websites now. tonight, however, The Wrens are playing a confirmed set at Bowery...

I read about the Mercury show here:

and have heard nothing since...I'm definitely gonna check that out too.


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