Wednesday, January 26, 2005

It was for a good cause...

I ended up staying home last night and eating my tickets to Ted Leo at Rothko. Didn't taste too bad cause I know it was going towards a worthy cause, but it still sucks. I just got home last night from work and simply didn't have the energy to go back out. Too bad. I'm sure it was a great show.

There's only one album I've listened to over the last few days besides the Decemberists, and it's Low's new disc, The Great Destroyer. Really great all the way through. Download the opening track, Monkey, Below:

Low - Monkey(Right-Click/Save)

You can also stream the entire album HERE. Highly recommended. Enjoy.

So, I've heard bad things about this U2 presale that apparently locked out a bunch of fans who had paid $40 for the fanclub. I would have thought, of all bands, U2 would have their shit together for this. Anyway, despite the presale to the public still haven't gone on sale yet (Monday 1/31 for the Garden). This guy is a class act tho...going on craigslist with possibly the worst seats in the Garden (sect. 404), and selling them for $270 each. I have no issues with a little scalping here and there, but this guy is pretty outrageous. Tho it's hard to have any sympathy for someone rich and ignorant enough to actually fall for this shit.

I got hooked into this Not Pron riddle shit for a solid hour last night and completely lost track of time. It's really really hard, but I got to the 6th page before just getting completely stuck and burnt out. Give it a shot if you got some time to kill. Remember to look everywhere on the page for clues, and (as far as I can tell) ignore the dating service popups.

Gotta run up to a meeting. We'll talk later.


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